How do i make my jewelry photos look more appealing?

The best way to photograph jewelry is to ensure that the pieces are evenly and evenly illuminated. Create your lighting setup at a 45-degree angle with respect to the jewelry.

How do i make my jewelry photos look more appealing?

The best way to photograph jewelry is to ensure that the pieces are evenly and evenly illuminated. Create your lighting setup at a 45-degree angle with respect to the jewelry. Then adjust the camera to the correct aperture and take the picture. I recommend using a mirrorless DSLR camera for the best results.

Place the camera on the tripod so that you shoot slightly downward toward the product. Place the lights (with diffusing umbrellas) above the product on each side, tilt each one downwards towards the product and set them to the same power. This configuration should fill the light frame evenly without creating bright, ugly spots on the product. Have a clean and tidy background, this is ideal for sending to magazines and juried programs.

Avoid photographing jewelry too low on the horizon, as the sharp angle makes it difficult to see them. Avoid shooting on textured backgrounds, such as rice, beans or gravel, as jewelry can get lost in all the texture and make it difficult to separate the background from the details of the jewelry.

Clifford Owen
Clifford Owen

Professional social media ninja. Wannabe web evangelist. Hardcore social media trailblazer. Certified social media geek. Total thinker.

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